Who we are

About us

We are an International Community of Christian Believers, followers and servants of Jesus Christ, who want to know, love, worship, and serve God, as well as our neighbor, with the purpose of being the fulfilment of Isaiah 61:1-4.

Our Vision

We are a church under the anointing of the Holy Spirit; make disciples in this nation and the world for Christ; restoring individuals and families, to fulfil God’s purposes.

Our Mission

To bind up the broken-hearted” and fulfill the command to “Love the Lord and our neighbor as ourselves”, regardless of the social status, legal status, nationality, language, race, or ethnic background of each person.

Our beliefs

  • We believe in one God, who is eternally existent, but “triune” (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) meaning One God in three persons, where each person has his own function and purpose.
  • We believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, born of Mary, who grew, suffered, died, was buried, and resurrected among the dead on the third day, to be God’s provision for our salvation (which is by faith and not by works), and to show that He has power even over death. We believe the blood of Jesus cleanses us from our sins and iniquity. It is through his shed blood that we can be, and are, saved, healed, and freed from slavery and the forces of darkness.
  • We believe that God sent us His Holy Spirit as our counselor, helper, and comforter.
  • We believe and operate in the Power, Spiritual Gifts, and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit dwells in, empowers, and regenerates every believer. The greatest evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is his transformed life, led and in full obedience when renewed by the Word of God.
  • We believe in the Prophetic and Apostolic gift, and the gifts given by the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, infallible and perfect.
  • We believe the Bible is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path”. We should meditate in it, and obey the precepts, statutes, and commands established in it.
  • We believe in the Holy Marriage, as designed by God and revealed in the Bible – which is exclusively between a man and a woman.
  • We believe every believer should participate in the elements of communion, which represent the body and blood of the Lord. It is as we participate in the Lord’s Supper that we proclaim His death until His return. This act of worship should be followed only by believers in Jesus Christ who have made confession of faith, having examined themselves and been found free (or receiving forgiveness) of sin to in this way avoid doing it in an unworthy manner.
  • We believe every believer should be baptized in water, by immersion. It is through this baptism that we identify ourselves publicly with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we make public confession of our faith in Him.